Guys need words of encouragement . . . from their friends!
Might sound weird at first and chances are you feel a little bit uncomfortable right now.
But it’s true. Guys need to hear words of encouragement just as much as women do. And no, it doesn’t have to be awkward!
Interestingly, the root of the word “encouragement” means to make someone strong or to give courage and confidence.
So, the friend of yours, who is feeling discouraged or defeated in his job, as a husband, or as a dad, the guy the Lord just put on your mind . . . text him. Right now. Seriously! Stop reading this email and shoot him a text.
We often underestimate how a simple message like, “Hey man. Love you. You’re awesome. Thanks for being in my life.,” can transform someone’s day, week, or even their outlook on life. And that is just one text.
It’s no wonder Paul commended followers of Jesus to encourage and edify each other!
Imagine the cumulative effect if men committed to building each other up in the Lord?!?!
So next time God places a friend on your mind . . . text him! Be the friend that makes men around him stronger, more confident, and full of courage.