Why Should Christians Engage in Politics? A Thoughtful Response to Election Day
As Election Day approaches, it’s natural for many of us to think carefully about our role in civic life. Should Christians engage in politics? How should we respond to Election Day and its results? While politics can be divisive, Scripture gives us wisdom on how to approach our role with faith, integrity, and trust in God’s sovereignty. Much of Scripture provide insights into why Christians should care about politics and how we can approach it prayerfully.
1. Recognizing God's Sovereignty in Government – Daniel 2:21
Daniel 2:21 reminds us that God is ultimately in control over the events of history: “He changes times and seasons; he removes kings and sets up kings.” This passage reminds us that no matter who holds office or how political tides may shift, God’s hand is over it all. He allows rulers to rise and fall according to His purposes.
This perspective frees us from fear or despair over any election outcome. While we should care about leaders and policies that affect people’s lives, our hope is in the God who rules over all. By engaging in the political process—whether that means voting, advocating, or supporting righteous causes—we participate in God’s work. And we can rest in the truth that God’s purposes will ultimately prevail.
2. Praying for Our Leaders – 1 Timothy 2:1-4
Paul’s words to Timothy provide clear guidance on how Christians should relate to political leaders. In 1 Timothy 2:1-4, Paul urges that “supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.”
Praying for our leaders—regardless of their political views or party affiliation—is a biblical command. It is one way we show love for our neighbors, knowing that wise and just governance can help create a peaceful society. Our prayers should include requests for wisdom, humility, justice, and guidance for leaders as they make decisions that impact people’s lives.
On Election Day, and beyond, we should commit to praying earnestly for those who will serve, trusting that God can work in and through them, even if they don’t share all of our views.
3. Engaging Politically as a Witness
Our faith should guide our values and actions, but political engagement should also be a witness to the character of Christ. Engaging in politics provides an opportunity to advocate for justice, care for the vulnerable, and promote the common good. As we vote and engage in conversations, let’s remember that we represent Christ’s love and truth.
Election Day, for believers, should be an occasion to stand for godly principles and reflect the character of Jesus—peaceful, compassionate, and truthful. How we interact with others about politics, both in agreement and disagreement, matters as much as how we cast our votes.
4. The Importance of Speaking Up – Silence Gives Consent
When facing a choice between candidates, some people may feel conflicted, especially if they don’t fully align with either option. However, not voting—or staying silent—can imply consent to the direction others choose. Voting allows us to express our convictions and influence decisions that affect our communities. Even if no candidate fully represents our views, participating still matters.
By voting, we fulfill a civic responsibility and stand up for values we believe reflect God’s heart for justice, mercy, and integrity. Scripture reminds us that our lives are a testimony, and how we approach even imperfect choices can honor God. So, rather than sitting out, let’s choose to vote thoughtfully, trusting that God works through our engagement, even when choices are challenging.
Moving Forward After Election Day
The day after an election, some will celebrate while others may be disappointed. Whatever the outcome, our mission remains the same: to love God and love our neighbors. We should continue praying for our leaders and working to see God's love and justice shown in our communities.
In every season, may our confidence rest in God’s unchanging sovereignty. As we participate in civic life, let’s do so with wisdom, humility, and hope, trusting in the God who “removes kings and sets up kings” (Daniel 2:21) and who “desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth” (1 Timothy 2:4).
Laney Gibney, LCSW and
Man Up Board Member
Laney is a clinical social worker with experience working in Florida’s foster care system. She and her husband Matt are currently foster parents because of their passion for helping restore biological families and protect vulnerable children. She believes God has placed her in her local community to make Kingdom impacts and show her neighbors the restoring love of Christ. Laney is passionate about teaching others how to care for vulnerable and disempowered people, while challenging societal norms and stigmas surrounding poverty and orphan care.