No man is an island... 

The now-infamous line penned by poet and preacher John Donne some 400 years ago echoes true today with a strong resonance. Yet, there remains a pervasive myth that men are to be lone wolves, rugged, stoic individuals who thrive in isolation. Nothing could be further from the truth. The reality is all men are wired for connection. Men crave brotherhood, the camaraderie of shared experiences, and the support of like-minded comrades to walk this journey called life with. All men need a band of brothers to fight the good fight with!   

John Donne penned another powerful line, often overshadowed by its more famous counterpart: "Because I am involved in mankind." This statement encapsulates the essence of community, a shift from isolation to involvement. Isolation is a breeding ground for weakness and self-absorption. When men retreat into isolation, focusing on serving only themselves, they reside in the dangerous land of loneliness; a place they were never designed to live.  

Men who depart that desolate land of isolation and discover their band of brothers, crew, and squad; soon realize the power of the team dynamic. They find out that together; we can overcome and accomplish so much more than we ever could alone.   

Together we can change the world 

While Batman and Robin undoubtedly formed a dynamic duo, the Guardians of the Galaxy grasp the true power of the team dynamic; as they united in the fight to guard the galaxy. Although each Guardian was unique, they cultivated an unbreakable bond as they fought a common adversary.  As you discover, your band of brothers; consider more than just grabbing a bite to eat together or watching a football game; consider how your crew can get involved with mankind and change it for the good. 

Get involved with mankind 

Consider this your challenge to get involved in another man’s life; to become interested and intentional in knowing what makes him tick; and you may find you have more in common than you could imagine. You may find he shares many of the same struggles and values as you do.  

Guilt-Free Time  

Yes, we know you have many responsibilities. Still, there is no need to feel guilty about carving out some quality “Bro Time” with your band of brothers as investing in these relationships is an investment in your life, as well as theirs.  

So as the sizzle from the summer sun settles the crisp autumn air rolls in and the school year and football season kicks off, it is the perfect time to hit the reset button on our lives.  

This seasonal change is the perfect time to build stronger connections with others.  

Whether it is simply grabbing a coffee with a good buddy taking the plunge to join a men's group at your local church or even linking up with your Man Up 100 chapter; prioritize these connections as they are vital.  

There are many easy plug-and-play opportunities to build community; as they can be found in unexpected places. Perhaps your fantasy football league has evolved into more than just a weekly competition. Those shared laughs and friendly rivalries can be the foundation for deeper bonds. So, take advantage of your existing connections and explore ways to strengthen them; all guilt-free; because you and they need it!  

Let us remember what the Bible encourages us to do in the context of the community from Hebrews 10: 24-25: Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing but encouraging one another. 

Let us shatter the myth of the solitary isolated man. It is time to embrace the power of the brotherhood and to find your squad to do life with and your life will be all the richer for it and together we could indeed very well change the world; TOGETHER! 

How can you start building stronger connections and a community with the men in your life? 

Are you looking for a community of like-minded men; then this is your call to action to join a Man Up 100 Gathering in person on September 14 or even explore starting a Man Up 100 chapter in your area.


