The phrases “act like a man” and “man up” have become commonplace in our cultural vocabulary.

However, they often can come across as abrasive pejorative; and just plain rude. When someone says, “Step up and act like a man” or “Shut up and man up,” these phrases are ineffective motivators for action.

Instead, if the tone is tainted those phrases carry an underlying message of emasculation that suggests something is wrong with you, implying that men are weak or passive and somehow need to muster up enough strength to take action.  

Yet most men are neither weak nor passive; they are simply seeking “permission” to be men. 

For us rebels who don’t need anyone’s permission, a better way to put it might be that men want “authorization” to be the men they were designed to be.  

For men to be fully mobilized into all that God has called them to be they require two things; authorization and affirmation.  

To simplify it even more for us “Mavericks,” all we need is a thumbs-up and a salute from the flight deck, signaling that we are cleared for takeoff. Then we will take off on the highway to the danger zone fueled by ferocious faith (that’s a nod to the movie Top Gun for those who didn’t catch it.)  

When a man receives a revelation that authorization has been granted by God Almighty Himself and that the Father affirms him just as He did Christ when Father God declared “This is my Son; with whom I am well pleased” when a man truly grasps this; he will turn the world upside down for good and impact countless lives for eternity. 

1 Corinthians 16:13-14 exhorts us: “Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love.” 

We can only act like men, be strong, and stand firm in the faith when we understand that we are called and commissioned for these purposes. Our Father in Heaven has given us the authority to fulfill the Great Commission.

When Jesus declared in Matthew 28 to “Go into all the world and make disciples,” He gave us a mandate and the authorization to carry out this Great Commission. This transforms our mandate into a co-mission, where we labor alongside God and others in the epic battle for the souls of humankind. 

Men of God, it’s GO TIME! It’s time to rise, take action, and spread the message of hope; because you are authorized and affirmed to do just that.

At Man Up and Go our mission is to mobilize men in the fight for fatherless as Jesus commands.

Join us for Man Up 100 on September 14 in Springfield, Kansas City, and Tampa Bay to be inspired, equipped, and empowered to fight for the fatherless and make a lasting impact. Don’t have a Man Up 100 near you? Start one!

Consider this your official thumbs-up. Let’s move forward with strength and purpose—together, we’ll change the world. 


