Challenge Accepted!

Who does not love a good challenge? Remember when you were a kid, and you would race your best friend down the street?

"I bet I can beat you to the end of the block!" You would shout, and off you'd go, hearts pounding and legs pumping. 

Fast forward a few decades and the challenges might change, but the thrill remains. Your wife says, "I bet you can't carry all these groceries in one trip."

Without hesitation, you grab a mountain of bags, flex your muscles, and prove her wrong. 

This challenge, however, has a lot more weight to it. It's a challenge with eternal consequences, a challenge that can change lives and advance the kingdom of God.

It's the Great Commission Challenge. 

Jesus, in Matthew 28:19-20, gave us a clear mandate: "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you."

It's a call to action, a challenge to multiplication.  

But here's the twist: It's not just about individual discipleship. It's about creating disciples who can, in turn, make more disciples. It's about building a kingdom of believers who are empowered to share the gospel and transform their communities. 

It's like a game of exponential growth. One disciple can lead to two, two can lead to four, and so on. The possibilities are endless

Now, some might argue that this is too much to ask. They might say, "I'm just one man. What can I do?" There is some truth to that; as one man you could do some good things, but together, we could do some GREAT and ETERNAL things!   

Remember, even the smallest seed can grow into a mighty oak tree. 

So how do we accept this challenge? How do we become part of the Great Commission movement? It starts with prayer and seeking God's guidance. It involves developing a personal relationship with Jesus and growing in our faith. But it also requires us to step out of our comfort zones and share the gospel with others. 

It might mean inviting a friend to church, starting a men’s Bible study using Patros, or simply sharing your testimony. It could be as simple as offering an encouraging word or a listening ear to someone in need. 

At Man Up, we are in the business of discipleship and building up men in Kingdom masculinity and mobilizing them in the fight for the fatherless as Jesus commands. 

Will you accept the challenge not only to join us on September 14th at one of our Man Up 100 Launch Gatherings…but to bring a buddy or two with you as well? 

Together, let's embrace the challenge, and let's watch the Kingdom of God expand. 


